Swim: Mixed Previous Next


1:00 PM

1 mi


3:01 / 100yd


6 / 10
10 / 10
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Fantastic swim at the ARC. The pool area was very crowded, but I had a lap lane to myself the whole time so it was all perfect. This swim felt especially strong and smooth and for the last part I had enough energy to push the pace more than I have been so I was able to stay warm the whole time. This was also the fastest I've done the mile. I am very pleased. The more I do this, the better it gets. Had a 15 min. soak in the hot tub after. That wasn't as nice as usual because a crowded hot tub isn't my favorite and today it was packed with a variety of people. Don't know how those Romans did that! Now, to figure out a training plan for the upcoming months . . . which includes plenty of swimming too! I am also enjoying the walks as well. Hmmm. There just aren't enough hours in the day/week to do all the wonderful activities there are to do. Still, my ultimate purpose for everything else is to come back to the run as strong and healthy as possible.
