Run: Race Previous Next


7:00 AM

13.1 mi


8:38 mi


7 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

315 / 1812 (17.4%)
6 / 79 (7.6%)
72 / 823 (8.7%)


I've been wanting this challenge. I signed up for this months ago and was very happy to have Peggy, Dan and Leslie sign up too and come with me for a really fun trip! We had a great time. Road trips with friends are definitely another benefit of the wonderful sport of running and I feel very lucky to have had this opportunity.

The race turned out to be not as bad as I thought. It was warm & hilly, but my main concern b/4 hand was the wind which didn't turn out to be a factor at all so I was fine with the elements. Had it been warm and dry I probably would have cooked, but the humidity still keeps me feeling comfortable and happy. I had a little water, a few sips of Propel, and some applesauce/instant oatmeal mix about 2 hours prior to start. I had a GU at 5.5 and carried a small water bottle till Mile 10. It worked. I felt good throughout and credit the hills in Columbia and a lot of strong training recently with getting me through the hills in KC. By mile 8 I was still feeling pretty spunky and by mile 10 when someone said, "Only a 5K more to go!" I thought I had enough to go faster. That was really too early to turn it on however - Mile 11 was hard on me because of it, but I was in the push mode and while disappointed in myself, I just kept pressing. Mile 12 has a long, long incline -- not real steep, but it just won't end. The reward, however, is the home stretch which was downhill and in the shade! That was enough to pump me up again and I felt like I finished strong, although I was working very, very hard. The poor volunteer had trouble cutting my chip off my shoe because my leg wouldn't stop shaking when I put it up for her! My time was not even as good as Sarasota, but I am still pleased. It was hilly and warm, I finished well under two, had a good time and felt strong so all goals were met. These splits are giving me more confidence toward a fall marathon. I just have to keep up this strong, consistent training.

Splits: 9:17 9:02 9:17 8:47 8:50 8:46 8:38 8:39 8:10 8:17 8:02 8:14 7:41

It was easy to get together afterwards, we saw several other Columbians, and we spent some time drinking milk and recovering. Peggy had mentioned milk after a run just the night before. I admit I thought it sounded a little strange, but had some chocolate after the race and it was really good! We also were treated to a pancake breakfast so the recovery time was well spent and enjoyable.

This race also seemed to me to be well organized. The volunteers were great and many were enthusiastic. The only complaint I would have would be the start. They had a tiny little corral and we didn't all fit in. We had to pour out of the sides on the sidewalk on the curb to start and that didn't seem real cool. As we got going it was fine, but it was a little concerning at the line up.
