Run: Long Previous Next


5:30 AM

18.2 mi


9:15 mi


3 / 10
9 / 10


Yippee! I couldn't be more pleased with this run - especially when combined with last week's happy 20. Met Robin, Leslie & Jordan at Forum. We kept a slow steady pace to start and picked it up a bit at mile 9 & then sub marathon goal pace for the last 6 with my last mile at 8:06. Actually, the last 10 miles, with the exception of the 9:20, were marathon goal pace or less. I felt wonderful from start to finish today, and felt especially strong at the end. Had a Gu at Grindstone & some of Robin's Sports Beans at Forum/Green Meadows. I had planted water at Grindstone & also figured I could put my extra Gu and Shot Block in the bag as well. When we got there Rocky Racoon or some other critter had helped himself to my Gu and Shot Block! I liked the Sports Beans better than the shot blocks though so this might have been a good discovery overall. The company was excellent today and we just had a delightful run overall. I will miss Leslie. This was her last long run with us before she leaves (fortunately she'll be back), and I miss Maria and Dan who are out with injuries. The weather has been especially pleasant these last two weeks and I'm sure that is helping to make these runs especially enjoyable and easier than running in extreme cold or heat.

10:16 9:46 9:55 9:29 9:32 9:32 9:29 9:23 9:09 9:02 9:20 9:08 8:57 8:54 8:49 8:58 8:56 8:06
