Run: Easy Previous Next


6:15 AM

6.6 mi


8:23 mi


176 lb
141 bpm
159 bpm


44 F


At 3 miles the right hip flexor was a little tight, then at 3.5 I felt like someone punched me in the right quad. Felt the left around 5 miles. Not terrible pain, but it was obvious I was still recovering.

Took almost all of last week off mostly because of time constraints. Finally went for 6.5 on Saturday and felt really good for 3.5 miles then my right hip flexor got a little tight, no big deal. Then about 4.5 miles in my quads started to feel like someone had punched them. These werent major, but it was a little reminder that I'm still recovering, no matter how great I felt.

My shoulder soreness went away by Tuesday afternoon. Thursday was the first day I didnt feel any soreness at all in my legs. I'm glad I did the run on Sat, and I planned to do something short Sunday night but I was wiped out from camping out with my son's cub scouts group on Sat night. Yes, I was in a tent during that incredible rainstorm we had in the northeast.

This week I'll do some short slow runs. I should have started with some 3 or so mile runs last week rather than doing the 6.5 on Saturday. I'm still waiting on my entry to Boston. I sent it in last Tuesday and I havent got a rejection notice yet

5:27 8:30 0.64

13:17 8:36 0.91

19:25 8:04 0.76

24:31 8:13 0.62

31:13 8:16 0.81

36:47 8:18 0.67

44:04 8:28 0.86 149

45:48 8:39 0.20 159

48:47 7:51 0.38 146

53:47 8:46 0.57 159

54:50 8:04 0.13 139
