RezRunner's profile   

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Gender: Male
Profession: Imagination Technician
Age: 37
Current Weight: 88 kg
Goal Weight: 74.8 kg
About me: 
I'm just another guy with a pair of shoes and a good route to run.
Why do I run: 
It's something that I truly enjoy, when my shoes hit the pavement and I'm heading down the road I can't help but smile. Next to golf this is the most mentally straining sport; having to maintain such a focus to continue after every passing stride, when you legs are screaming to walk, is beautiful. And this is only my 3rd week.
Why I started running: 
Well I quit smoking towards the end of April and over the next couple weeks I started to get really restless and anxious so I laced up my shoes and went for a short run. After that run I left amazing and knew that I found something that can help me stay off cigs.