Run: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

13.2 mi


7:01 mi




15 F


7 / 10
6 / 10


"Stranglehold" by the Motor City Madman - Ted Nugent - was on the radio right before I started my run, therefore it was in my head for the next 13.2 miles. It's actually a great song to have in your head while running. Upbeat yet ambient. I felt like I was in an inspirational running montage video. It made me want to buy a camcorder for myself and then create this imaginary video. During the first few minutes of the song there would just be footage of teams warming up, doing strides, getting into a huddle, etc. Maybe even a few 1/2 second sound bites here and there with Al telling the team things like " team mind..." or the guys putting their hands in the middle and saying "1, 2, 3, TEAM!" Kinda like the opening segments from an NCAA tournament game. The main point of this early part would be to build tension before the race starts. Then a few minutes into the song, after the trippy guitar part, when Ted goes into overdrive, I'd start with race footage and let the action get moving. If you're not following what I am trying to describe, don't worry, just know this video would be SWEET. It would get thousands of hits on youtube.

As for the run itself, I felt so-so. It was kind of weird because I'd feelt good for a few minutes, then feel like crap, then start feeling good again. I think that was partly due to the weather, partly due to the step up in training I've had this week but mostly due to the fact that I've been working a ton this week and have been on my feet from 9 am until 9 pm the past 4 days. Towards the end of yesterday I could tell that my legs were not happy with me.
