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10:34 AM

6.7 mi


8:27 mi

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Milford Loop


My car needed servicing before our family trip tomorrow, so I scheduled it to coincide with my sport doc appointment in Milford. I dropped the car off, ran to my appointment, and then started running back when the phone rang. The car needed new tires, which would add another hour or so to the wait. No problem, I'll just take a super-easy run down to the beach while I wait. The weather was perfect, of course, and I didn't have any stiffness, pain, whatever bothering my ankles.

My visit with the sports doc went about as well as I could have hoped. The scar tissue in my lower legs has mostly disappeared now. My ankle mobility has improved greatly, which I had already guessed from how much faster my easy runs have gotten recently. (I'm definitely not in any better shape, so it must have been something in my gait.) The best news was the nasty adhesion on my right leg, on the medial side where the post tib meets the soleus, had pretty much completely resolved. It hurt like heck the first time he went over it with the Graston blade three weeks ago, but the treatment is pretty much painless now. The nerve problem on the lateral side is also resolved. I've got some lingering ache in the peroneals but he said that will resolve in time as the nerve heals up.

Now that the rest of the leg is mostly healthy, I hope the achilles will heal up and stay healed. It hasn't gotten any worse in the last three weeks but it's frustrating how long it takes to heal an achilles tendon injury. I never feel anything at all when I'm walking around, on stairs, doing calf raises, etc. but when I pinch the tendon a couple inches above the heel bone I can tell that it's still not healthy. Grrr.
