Run: Long Previous Next


7:07 AM

13.1 mi


7:39 mi


159 bpm
173 bpm


73 F


6 / 10
5 / 10
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A long steady run with Tom C. and KC, who ran with us for the first time. KC ran a 1:25 HM last Fall, so I'm hoping that I can learn a bit from running with him. Since this was Tom's first time covering the HM distance, he now has a nice 1:39 training PR that I'm sure will only get faster as he gets used to the distance.

We did the northern route on the rail rail again, this time coming a little closer to Newtown than last time. Though hot at the end, the weather was pretty decent for the first half of the run at least. I'm not looking forward to the heat wave expected this week. I'll either have to do the pre-dawn thing or do some miles on the treadmill.

My foot was o.k. for most of the run, though it did stiffen up some on the way home. I'm doing lots of massage a calf stretching this morning to head off any further problems.
