Run: Tempo Previous Next


9:15 AM

5 mi


7:22 mi


155 bpm
174 bpm
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After a two mile warmup I ran the last 3 miles at HM race pace (6:45-6:50). It looks like I've lost some stamina, with my HR rising to over 170 in the last mile (see Max HR below), but I think I can fix that in time for the race. Lactate threshold was always one of the easier things for me to train. My bigger concern is my right achilles tendon, which has been acting up since the weekend. There's a little swelling just above the ankle but it doesn't hurt to run (yet). I'm going to have to stay away from hills this week to let it heal up before my race.

After looking over the weather forecast, I'm thinking of doing my long run on Saturday this week. Saturday's morning temperatures are expected to be almost 10 degrees cooler than Sunday's, and I don't want to add heat stress to my mounting list of training variables.

Training Plan Entry


7.5 mi

Cruise Intervals 6x600m @6:30 pace, 400m jog recoveries
