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10.2 mi


6:43 mi

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<No name>


231- Trying to see the largest number that I can count up to on a run without my mind losing track. Some random guy at the track was talking to me about running yesterday and he said he has been doing some reading and found that this helps with the mental aspect of racing. Going to give it a try.

Can't catch a break. Painful/hotspot and blister on my other foot. Forced myself to tough it out because I refused to have 3 bad days in a row. Might be caused by the new shoes. No strides to save my feet



mike stud's album is top notch


cant decide if g eazy's is better

Nolan Feola MD

Tried the number thing, only got to 117 :(


Colin you are a goon and nolan we will have to hit 1000 on a long run during the season


good thoughts on the counting


Tried the number thing, got to 600 said this is dumb and stopped, I could have gone all day....come on

Robert LaMarre

Yeah I don't understand how counting is difficult? I just counted to 250 and I wasn't even running, it only took 2 or 3 minutes... seems like you should get much higher on a run?


I stopped it too for the same reason. Maybe the point of it is to see if you can push through the boredom but I doubt it

Nolan Feola MD

Lol thats all weak stuff. You gotta space out the counting by only counting after every 4 steps. I managed to count up to 1200 before my run stopped on sunday. Im putting my initials on the High-Score board.