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66.6 mi


13:08 mi

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Hellgate 2012! Warm temps at start--45 degrees.

Wore Pgucci skirt, claf sleeves, inov8 tank, VHTRC short sleeve, injinji socks, Nuun visor, asics arm sleeves. Perfect.

Pace: Dark all the way up Little Cove 1 until the first trailhead.Arrived at Little Cove AS a bit before 8:00 I think.

no watch until Bearwallow---arrived at 9:45, best time yet! .

Arrived at Bobbletts at 11:24

Arrived at Day Creek at 1:24 (lots of walking, very hot on this section---needed all water)

Left Day Creek at 1:24 and power hiked the entire way with a few spots of running, arrived at Blue Ridge parkway at 2:04 (40 mins).

Hammered with trashed quads and queasy stomach to 1 mile to go mark (2:26). Arrived at finish at 14:33:50. PR!!

Nutrition: Took Perp and half a bladder of water, 5 servings Hgel. New Perp at Camping Gap and Headforemost. Eggs at Jennings, New Perp and Hgel at Bearwallow and half a burger. Needed all water at Bobblets and more bloks.

4.5 Perps = 1200 cals

eggs= 150 cals

burger= 200 cals

Bloks= 300 cals

1.5 flask Hgel= 750 cals.

Total= 2600, wayyyy too few! Needed at least 3000!
