Run: VO2 Previous Next


8:00 PM

6 mi


6:40 mi


141 lb


38 F


DANG it was cold today! For SoCal, that is. And 30mph winds - blew the roof right off the Santa Monica High School!

I had some free time today (yay!) after leaving rotation early, and since I'm technically not in "hardcore" training mode, I dropped by the Los Angeles Running Club at the Santa Monica HS whom I used to run with.

Totally useless drills by a well-meaning commercial group that lasted way too long in the cold. I vaguely recalling them having equally bad timing last year. After 30 minutes standing around listening to the guy, I was frigid.

Workout was 4 sets of 9min fast, then 1 min recovery. I was hoping to hold 6:00min/mile, but after about 5 minutes, I started to worry about my right hamstring, which really started to threaten to lock up. Had to back down to near HM pace for 2 sets (6:40ish) before feeling a little better and throwing down around 6s for the final set.

I anticipate some serious pain in my leg tomorrow, but I'm hoping for the best. We'll see!
