Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:00 AM

5 mi


7:00 mi


141 lb


8 / 10
8 / 10


This was part of a x-training day. Had the morning off (!) so I hit the UCLA gym before afternoon lectuers with a TM run, first time in 2 years. Felt great, and ran fast. In fact, ran so fast that I popped off 1 mile x 6:40, 1 mile x 6:00, and 1 mile x 6:30 in there. Was definitely working, got my HR up to 173 at one point, but was definitely feeling good about the run. My ankle really hurt when I started, and I had to walk for awhile to get it warmed up, but it seems to be working ok now. It was great to finally get some speedlike runs in there - it's been awhile.

Followed it up with a 1 hr bike ride on the stationary bike. As usual, I sweated a storm. Covered 20 miles in an hour per the bike computer - not sure if it accounted for the resistance setting "10" I put on as well. HR 130-140, threw in a few 120rpm sprints in there. Not bad for my 2nd day on the bike!
