Run: Easy Previous Next


16 mi


7:09 mi

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<No name>


long run out in mcfarland. it started down pouring the moment we got there but we toughed it through the mud and less than ideal terrain. still tons of fun. did 10 with wadds and goggs then wen back and did 6 mor. for the latter 6miles i took a left over hwy 35 instead of a right down the hill and into the woods. awesome gravel roads out there for cruising.

Despite the rain (making for heavy shoes and loose dirt) the weather was cool and not humid which was a great change.


730 ish through grass and woods (~3 mi)

6:58 on gravel road (~2 mi)

6:45 turn around back on gravel (~2 mi)

9:08 lol through muddy woods

6:57 through tall grass back to parking lot

6:45 back through grass plus gravel roads (~3 mi)

6:43 same as above, but way back (~2.5mi) --> awesome watching the storms roll south over ames

6:38 just a small split to see how fast i was closing on the pavement versus fighting the wet grass (~0.5mi)

overall the lung and stomach felt great. legs a little heavy and got a little booty lock in the last mile. first 16 miler of the season.
