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5.5 mi

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<No name>


about 4 mi btwn w.u. and c.d.

2x200, 3x300, 2x400 with 2 min rest for each

AJ gave me a range of times to hit with the slower limit being 29, 45, and 65 respectively.


29, 29


74 (ouch), 67

I spiked up for the last one (and in the processes extended my rest about a minute).

there was a brutal head wind on the back stretch, hence why my 3's and 4's took a dive.

nonetheless, i did feel a little flat and wanted to quite after that 1st three, but i obviously sucked it up and made the most out of windy day.

need to ice and roll before nats.

The spikes however felt good to put back on. the last 4 was equally as painful and did not feel any faster than the 74, but certainly helped.
