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9.5 mi

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<No name>


2.25 warm up

8 x 1km at faster than race pace (on 5 min intervals)

1) 3:24 (5:15 GPS pace)

2) 3:21 (5:07)

3) 3:18 (5:00)

4) 3:22 (5:11)

5) 3:22 (5:11)

6) 3:23 (5:14)

7) 3:17 (5:05) --> Spiked Up!

8) 3:15 (4:57) --> Spiked Up!

* Avg distance of loop bopped around 0.65 and 0.66 (1km is about 0.62 mi). Obviously there's a degree of error with the gps for such a short distance that needs to be considered.

* Really consistent and really great splits on a damp course while keeping a poop in. It was a good grind.

* Spikes (new matumbos) were super aggressive but stupid light. They were definitely working my calfs but obviously boosted my time when my legs didnt want to go any faster.

2.25 mi cool down

Lifted after: back squat, dead lift, bosu stuff, abs
