Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:29 PM

11.4 mi


6:21 mi


154 bpm
170 bpm
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8 mi steady state/tempo. 10' up and down.

Started at 620 ish and worked down to about 6 min pace (strava is off on the distance). Hit all my splits like a metranome which is cool: 620, 617, 614, 613, 612, 611, 606, 549 (didnt look at watch on last one - whoops). Happy it went well but I just really didnt want to be running circles in the dark and fog for an mind numbing hour. A very "idgaf" type of evening. I guess I channeled that frustration into the track.

Songs stuck in my head while mindless turning around a track:

Somebody to love by abhi the nomad

Whatever blows your hair back by Republican hair
