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7.8 mi

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<No name>


2mi warm up

10 x 600 on a 3:30 interval

1) 1:58

2) 1:57

3) 1:58


5) 1:59

6) 1:59

7) 1:57

8) 1:53

9) 1:54

10) 2:01

2mi cool down

** set out to do 8 reps, but after dropping such a significant amount of time for the last one, i felt that id cheat myself if i didnt try and squeeze in one more. after the 9th, i thought the same thing. but the tenth blew dick. all in all, a great work out. finished before the sun even came up - gotta love morning workouts. Note, rest was walk/jog back to start line of 800 loop on xc course.
