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5 mi

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<No name>


5 x 1 mile (cut down) on 7min intervals - starting slower than 8k pace and finishing faster

8k pr pace --> 5:48

season goal pace --> 5:37

1) 5:49 by maccoys watch (a little faster than what i was planning but felt relaxed)

2) 5:36 by maccoys watch (much fast than anticipated, but maintained in following reps - good)

3) 5:27 gps pace/5:36 by watch

4) 5:38 (had to poop. did business before next rep)

5) 5:35

overall great work out and great indicator for season possibilities especially considering yesterdays long run. Need to figure out digestive stuff. Also, only the closing reps, my legs felt fine, yet my lungs were fatigued.
