Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:05 PM

11.2 mi


7:02 mi


168 bpm
191 bpm
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MISSING: Pat's leg speed. Last seen in Ames, IA. Lemme know if you have any information on is whereabouts.

warm up/3.5mi tempo/1.5mi jog/2.5mi tempo/cool down

legs, body, brain, and especially my feet are all very fatigued/run-down/beat. I have new shoes coming in the mail, but until then, my right foot will have to suffer a little longer. I must rollout before the next LR and im gonna build in a day off for next week - i have to.

This work out was mediocre at best. I picked the flattest route bremertonio has to offer but still had trouble sustaining a sub 6 pace. the second rep wasnt much better. once i hit the flat I started to pick it up, and then my stomach said no. pushed through the last half mile, but then ran straight into the bathroom.

it's interesting to note that my heart rate for the second rep was higher but slower.
