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8.3 mi

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<No name>


WU/CD ~ 4.8 ish

12x400m starting around race pace, being comfortable and getting faster (200m jog recovery)

81, 86, 82, 80

82, 77, 79, 78

67, 75, 73, 65 --> spiked up

it was completely dark when we started warm up at 630 and pretty much remained that way until the last few reps. That wasnt great but helped me come out controlled and smart. we did this on the mile loop of the xc course. The north half of the loop tended to be faster than the south half on my reps. I liked seeing the overall negative split. spiked up the last 4. got out way hot. I felt fast but I was working. The last one felt awesome. Just powering through each stride.
