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3 mi

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<No name>


rest = 90 sec walk/jog

1000, 800, 600, 400 // starting slower than mile pace and working to faster

3:10, 2:27, 1:48, 69

1 lap walk jog

10x200 (only did 8)

29, 32, 30, 31, **, 31, 32, 32, 33

pretty tough workout. the first four sets felt good, but I always fell off pace just a little bit in the middle sections. would have liked to be 2 or three seconds faster on each of those sets (goal times given by evan day: 3:08, 2:25, 1:43, 66)

had to use the bathroom after the fourth two. after that, i just didnt feel any better, I wasn't building any stock in the last few reps.

I think Im still coming down from colorado training. my legs and body are tired. Maybe ill take an icebath here soon
