Run: Easy Previous Next


20 mi


6:58 mi

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<No name>


did an easy 3 miles to start with alex around campus. warmed up the ankle which was feeling pretty tight. 8 ish min pace.

after i went straight south on the country roads for 4 miles into the wind. 6:48 pace.

I then zig-zagged my way through the country roads with tail and cross winds back to airport loop (630ish pace). took airport loop down to the road that heads towards jack trice and hopped on that trail east of campus and then did a loop around campus and a little more into neighborhoods to get 20. pace died a little at the end but i stayed just under 7.

never again will i run that far after a night of drinking and with such a small breakfast. really stretching my luck with my energy stores. luckily it was a good run. my running water bottle worked great as it helped me throw back a couple Gatorade endurance chew packs, which also worked great.

ankle felt great most of the run. every now and then, there'd be a jolt of pain, but not bad. very sore post run though.
