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5:31 AM

26.5 mi


6:15 mi


163 bpm
186 bpm
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10 min PR. Crossing the Chi marathon off the bucket list. And kicking ass with the whole fam: Dad - 3:31:59, kevbot - 4:24:32, Colin - 4:34:37. What an amazing day in an amazing city. Time to be fat.

got out a little hot, but everytime i tried to slow down i ended right back at that faster pace. and it felt smooth. by the time i reached 15 or so, i was worried about the crash because of my fast start, but it never came. so i opened the flood gates and let the pace roll. i think i was passing ppl the whole race. it felt incredible, surreal. by the 22 or so hit, i was defitinitely more fatigued and i could feel the left hamstring start to twinge and pull. every water station id slam a few gatorades to deter it. but mile 24, my calves started to go to. i was still moving at a good clip but taking much more precaution. mile 25 my right calf was a full on ball and i was doing a muffed-up pirate hobble but still close to pace. within the last half mile, both calves were balled and i was double time pirate hobble. it hurt, but i was still on pace. last 300 meters, the friggin course had the biggest uphill of any of the previous 26 miles and 2 hard turns and now i look like an idiot hobbling at a 630 pace screaming through my teeth as my right calf pretty much quit in the worst way. those last 300m were the longest 300m of my life... but i passed one more women before the shoot lol. finaly across the line i debated how bad i needed the wheel chair (the medics were looking at me like "nah - hobble on kid") and then i slammed a couple goose island 312's despite my stomachs protest.

that was maybe the most consistent and well run race of my life. No trace of a GI problem the whole run. took honey stinger chews at 6-9mi (1 pack) and 16-19mi (2nd pack). highly recommend.

thanks squad for all the support, near and far.
