Run: Easy Previous Next


16.5 mi


6:41 mi

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<No name>


easy mile to the lock tower then we rolled out south and east on the dirt roads just under 7min pace into the wind. felt good coming back. I pushed the pace a bit and by the time we dropped rob off at the club house we were hitting 6:28 pace avg for the last 6 miles. Then goggs and i did a loop around campus. i thought i was falling off hardcore but btw we dropped him off 2.5 mile later i stopped and checked my watch and we had avg'd 6:06 pace. holy wow. probably why i felt tired, I loafed the last couple miles home at 6:45 ish pace then proceeded to eat and sleep away the afternoon.

good long run. this kind says a couple things:

I shouldnt be too worried about boston

A pace below 640 should be fine

a pace around 630 or faster is reasonable depending on feel

I shouldn't dip too close to 6 min pace because that was clearly too far below my threshold and into the well.
