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9.5 mi

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<No name>


The Hershey: (approx 3 min ret between each bout)

- HARD 1K (start line to 1k marker)

5:15 pace

- Tempo 2x around back hills loop (~1.4 miles)

5:54 pace

- 1k from 2k to 1k mark // Jog down to bottom of hill

5:57 pace

*everything up to this point felt so painful. chief had been gaping me on every rep up to this point.

- 4xhill sprint

5:50, 5:53. 5:50, 5:5:53 pace

*legs finally started to come through. started to gap chief.

- 1k from 1k to 2k mark

5:32 pace

*certainly feeling better and pace reflects that. Again gaped chief.

- Tempo 2x around back hills loop

5:56 pace

*legs very tired but ahead of chief and still consistent with first tempo

- 2x200 // jogged 200 for rest

30, 31

*every last ounce of muscle fiber that wasnt already torn went into these 2's. felt so good have that turnover.

The workout started pretty painfully, but after those hills, something finally clicked. The call with Heimstead kept resonating in my head and i stayed focused and fought mentally as much as i did physically. I wish I was this strong/confident last Sunday. But no matter, keep looking forward and bring this momentum into nats.

2mi warm up and a 1.8 ish cool down
