Run: Tempo Previous Next


10 mi


6:56 mi

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<No name>


not the smartest workout in my opinion. we set out to do a 4 mi progression starting at 7min working down to just under 6min pace followed by 8xoakland hill. We started the 1st mile of the tempo at 624 then had an overall avg of 5:58 - this would have sufficed as a decent workout by itself. I went through the first hill at 87 (good), then 94 (slow), then 104 (wtf pat). then I called it quits. Too much intense volume in one day and I was red lining every uphill and clearly not benefiting. i should have been smarter. the day wasnt a complete loss but man i dont feel happy at all looking back at it.

i think I will lower volume in general and increase quality.
