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1 mi


4:42 mi

Race Result

10 / 1902 (0.5%)
4 / 58 (6.9%)


ran a pretty solid race considering i had strep throat. I also got to fan boy the elite race after (took picture with clayton murphy and pat casey).

The clocks were all messed up. they didnt have any at the quarter or 3/4 mile which was frustrating. and at the half and finish i went through at 2:19/20 and 4:56/57 which was adjusted to 2:16 and 4:41. This was frustrating for a couple reasons:

- i went out hot and thought i was on pace

- i based my performance off the half pace

- i was running without a watch

- i was sure they had quarter mile splits which i was depending on

- when i saw i was in 4:50s, i just coasted in enough to hold position. if i knew how close i was to a pr, i would have closed much much harder

not even sure if i can trust the time. i was also i spot out of the money ha.
