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1500 m


4:39 mi

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<No name>


agustana college - outdoor season opener

rain stopped as we rolle din but temps in mid to low 40s with some wind on home stretch.

results here:

very in control race. I was seeded mid pack so i went out and held on to the group. the group generally stuck together so i just flowed with it. went through in a 69/70 (good), then came through in a 2:19 (little slow), idk about the third lap but it felt a little slower, ppl were making moves and i wasnt yet responsive. we hit the bell lap and I went. a lot of ppl spread out to lane 2 to try and pace and i made big gains passing suckas on the inside of lane one. I dont know what I closed in but im sure it a nice flat split because I passed so many ppl. The best part is i finished and started breathing easy - I have so much left in my legs. Im ready to do some serious damage at nats. theres a nasty pr waiting to be unleashed.

i went in after a tough week in colorado followed by a really unmotivating week of training (and life in general) without any big expectations. I had a couple beers the night before at a concert almost as if to give myself another reason for not performing. But the moment we got there, and even more so when I stepped on the start line, the energy that is outdoor track just reinvigorated. Had I gone in with more confidence and fought a bit with the leaders a little earlier, i think I coulda had a soft pr and maybe a W. yeet.

last note: this time last yr, I ran 5 seconds slower with way more effort at GVs meet. good sign.
