Bike: Hill Previous Next


6:24 PM

11 mi


6.9 mi / hr


163 bpm
191 bpm
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MTB @ Port Gamble. Trail kicked the sh*t out of me.

1st time mountain biking. idk if I have ever felt this far out of my comfort zone in my adult life. lotta new bruises; well worth it tho. some of the rooty-er sections got sketchy (and frustrating at times) but we closed out the day with a long, groomed jump line and it was an absolute blast. i need to learn some technique and get my bearings, but this was a good change of pace. especially since running is off the table at the moment.

Rode a hard tail giant that jake was kind enough to lend me. also missed a few runs in the beginning and middle. estimated distance so map may be off. Strava is a little more accurate.
