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12:00 PM


156.3 lb
  • Exercises


did PT exercises, daily pull-apart.

went to the gym to do upper body and cardio. did back/disc stretch and bridge reach-overs before.

- Bench, 2 x 8 (135, 145).

- Lat pull downs, 2 x 12 (100, 120).

- DB OHP, 25 (12), 30 (7).

- DB chest supported rows, 2 x 12 (25).

- Lateral raises, 1 x 15 (10).

- DB curl trifecta, 1 x 8 (15).

- DB tri skull crushers, 1 x 15 (15).

- Face pull w/lift, 1 x 15 (12.5).

- DB rotator cuff shoulder routine.

- did exercise bike after.
