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12:00 PM


156.6 lb
  • Exercises



- Sled - lateral, forward, backwards - ~14 minutes.- sideways for 12 lengths with 45 lbs. 4 lateral, 4 at 45 degree angle, and 4 with crossover. Then did 20 lengths - 10 forward, 10 backward. Did a pyramid - 45, 90, 135, 90, 45. 4 lengths at each step. Increased the pace for last 2.

- Leg press, 3 x 10, 180, 230, 270.

- 1 leg RDL, 1 x 12, 25 lb KB.

- 1 leg Patrick reverse step ups, 1 x 12.

- 1 leg step up with swing, 1 x 12.

- 1 leg fire hydrant with band, on pad, 1 x 12.

- cable pancake, 17.5 lbs, 1 x 10.

- 1 leg standing calf raise, 1 x 8.

- tried KB lateral hip twist - meh.

- wall tib raises, 1 x 25.

- 1 leg standing cable reverse squat, 22.5 lbs, 1 x 20. Finished fast.
