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12:45 PM


152.1 lb
  • Exercises



- Face pull w/lift, 15 lbs, 1 x 15.

- Cable rotator cuff, 7.5 lbs, 1 x 10.

- BB bench, 4 x 5, 135, 155, 170, 170.

- DB OHP, 3 x 8, 30 lbs.

- Floor flys, 2 x 12, 40 lb.

- 1 1/2 lateral raises, 10 lbs, 2 x 12.

- Lying tricep ext., 25 lbs, 2 x 10, 9.

- OH carry, 25 lbs, 2 x 60 steps.

- Prone wrist curls, 19 lbs, 1 x 15.

- Wrist curl ladder, 20 lbs, 1 x 10.


- Hanging x raises, 10 - not very good. tough on the shoulder.

- Hanging torso twists - 10. also not so good.

- Recline elbow to knee tucks, plank oppo elbow/knee - 20 of each.

- Step outs with band.

- Side wood chop w/band.

- Pull downs - 20 of 62.5 lbs.

- Plank push away - 20.

- Windmills - 10 - no weight.

- Gripper training (reg grip) G 20, S 15, T 10 - not complete. Also did finger expansions w 2 bands.
