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12:00 PM


151.9 lb
  • Exercises


PULL 1 workout.

- Inverted row, no weight, 10, 10, 8. Did instead of BB chest supported row.

- DB lat pullovers, 30 lbs, 2 x 12.

- DB high pulls, 15 lbs, 2 x 12.

- Bicep chin curls, 8, 6.

- SS with overhead triceps extension, 20 lbs, 2 x 12.

- Farmer carry, 75 lbs, 2 x 50 steps.

- Prone wrist curls, 12.5 lbs, 1 x 15.

- Wrist curl ladder, 20 lbs, 1 x 10.

- Back extension with fly, 5 lb plates, 2 x 10.

- Angels and devils, no weight, 2 x 20.

Did gripper training (inverted grip) later.
