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12:50 PM


164 lb
  • Exercises


workout "H" - barbell back squat. 3 x 5, 135 (warm-up), 175. - barbell overhead press. 3 x 8, 75 (couldn't finish). - barbell underhand row. 3 x 10, 90. - dumbbell Bulgarian split squat. 3 x 8, 30 lb dumbbells. - tricep extension with curl bar. 2 x 10, 60 lbs (total). - back extensions with reverse fly then row. 2 x 10, 10 lbs. DB hamstring curls 2 x 15, 35 lb db. - angels & devils. 1 x 20, 2.5 lbs for 15, none for 5. - rotator cuff cable. 1 x 10 each side. 7.5. - ran to and from gym.
