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8800 m


6:24 mi

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Indoor Track


this workout was about as hard as it was two weeks ago. I think i handled the workload a little better though. I had some trouble staying on my toes during the 300s but i survived. We all kind of went for broke i think on the second set of 600 500 400 300 200 100 from the 400 on. We upped the pace from there to the end of the workout and i sure felt it. I really like these faster tempo workouts though. Doing these in addition to tempos seems like a really good strategy for running well at the 5k distance. We have good interval speed so we can close well and a 75 second 400 seems like a breeze. But at the same time we have those tempo days to fall back on when we are getting into the later part of the race. It makes for a tough week but having a fartlek an interval session like todays and a tempo workout all in the same week is definitely getting us into wicked good shape. I am still astounded i was on pace for an 8k pr through 4 miles in the tempo last week on tired legs while running it as a cut-down.

This weekend i am looking to go under 16 minutes in the 5k and hit the mean if possible. I trust Ponton's ability to pace a 5k well so i will probably hop on "the p train" as it were and hang on for dear life. If i can feel comfortable coming through the 3k in about what i ran last weekend in the 3k (on tired legs and more or less alone) then i will be on pace to hit the mean. Either way i think i can come through the 2 mile in 10:05 and feel pretty comfortable if i pace it out right. Then i need to close well from there. My best 5k last year came from running a monstrous last 1800 meters (it was something like 10 seconds under the pace i set in the first 2 miles) and i am going to need to replicate a performance like that if i want to maximize my racing potential.
