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7.5 mi

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Indoor Track


400,600,400,200 at goal mile pace w/ 200 jogs. Hit 67, 1:42, 68, 33 then full recovery

6x800 with 800 jog. I think they were 2:18 2:19 2:17 2:18 2:19 2:18 so an average of about 2:18 which is great.

I was worried before the workout because my hamstrings were really tight and my hip flexor and IT band in my right leg have both been killing me. Once we started running hard it didnt really matter though. definitely a good sign.

On these I started to have to put in a massive effort earlier and earlier in the interval. The first one I felt pretty good until the last 200. Same with the second. On the third and fourth I felt it on the 3rd lap and the last two I felt it starting a little over 200 in. Legs were shaking a little bit when i got done with this. that is always a good sign that I worked hard
