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6 mi

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Indoor Track


3x(3x400) at 2 seconds above mile goal pace. Since I had to run on the Hper 1/6 mile track like I have been all break I ran 1/3mile intervals instead of 1/4. My goal mile pace is 4:30 so the magic number for the interval is 1:30, 1:32-1:33 if I am shooting for 2 seconds slower per quarter mile. The rest was jogging the same distance (1/3 mile)

The times were as follows:

Set 1: 1:28 1:31 1:30

Set 2: 1:29 1:30 1:30

Set 3: 1:27 1:29 1:27

During the first two sets the track was very crowded. During the last set things were pretty quiet. There were a decent number of new years joggers around. They were giving me looks that were typically either shameless loathing or awe. A couple of cute girls were running on the track as well. I am pretty sure they probably thought I was a total tool but oh well.
