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8.3 mi

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Indoor Track


400, 600, 400, 200 with 200 rest at goal mile pace (67 quarter pace) we were good on everything except the 600 was about 2 seconds slow mostly because the first lap was slow.

then 3x(800, 800 rest, 400, 400 rest, 2x200 with 400 rest) 800s at 2:20 400s at 70 and 200s at 33

Hit the 800s in 2:20, 2;19, 2:19. the 400s in 70, 69, 68. the 200s were mostly 32s.

Good session today. Pretty long but strong. It was hard but not so much so that I was ever worried that I couldn't complete it. hopefully that is reflected in me being more rested for saturday
