Run: Trail Previous Next


8:05 AM

5.6 mi


10:59 mi


55 F
  • Map

Lake Sonoma


I was home on familiar ground after a great visit with Tom and Nancy in Fort Bragg. This morning's run was good and I picked up the pace coming home on North Slope. I felt the effort and was breathing hard at the finish.

My Garmin battery was dead last night, and I couldn't locate the charging cord after searching every nook and cranny in my home and car. I improvised by using the phone stopwatch app to time this run. And using my course knowledge to calculate the distance from the Grey Pine trailhead to the top of Bummer Peak. It worked out well, kind of.

I ordered a new charging cable on Amazon last night. So I wasn't too surprised when Tom emailed this morning that he had found the missing cord while cleaning my Casita. I accepted his offer to return it when we battle in the upcoming Boontlink Classic 5K. I will then possess two cords, one for home and the other in my car for travel duty.
