Run: Easy Previous Next


4.3 mi


6:59 mi


Vibram Bikila

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Cobb's Hill


Headed over to the hill in the early afternoon so there would be enough light to run the trails. Ran up from the usual parking lot to the top of the hill via Monroe. Did a loop of the hill, then did a complete loop of the woodland trails. It's a little difficult to understand the trail system in there-- it seems like it's one big loop but there are endless forks and trails that snake across one another. I just try to stick to the outside to get the most distance in there. Running the trails was fun-- lots of rapid undulations in the hills, and I ran up next to a puppy at one point that seemed like he wanted to join in on the run despite the calls from his people, so I stopped and said hello until he calmed down. Came out of the woods, finished out the reservoir loop the long way, and then went back down the hill.

Felt higher points on my shins very slightly on the way back down from the hill. Slightly worrying, but also reassuring because it's a different part of my leg. I just need to ice them (need to buy an icepack from CVS) daily and I'm sure they'll be fine. However, I'm getting worried about getting over to Cobbs Hill. I'm not sure if biking is going to work everyday because of the arrival of winter.
