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1.4 mi


5:41 mi


I miss running. This was fun and felt good, besides the discomfort in my feet. Can't really feel anything in the right one until the run is over; the left one is constant. I'm starting to think that, because there's been basically no change in the condition of my feet (to the point that 20 seconds of running is enough to feel my foot) the marathon is starting to seem a dim chance. I suppose I couldn't have picked a worse year to sign up for my first, since this is the first year of my running career where I've been consistently injured. I hope, at the very least, I can run again eventually. Gotta try to keep positive, keep in shape with the biking (which I missed tonight because the Y closed early, unbeknownst to me), and get myself to someone that has a clue about how to help me.
