Run: Easy Previous Next


4.4 mi


7:13 mi


Vibram Bikila

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Cobbs Hill


Running with Brendan. Got over to Cobbs before it got dark, parked, and went up around the back of the hill as I did back in the fall with Jeff. We ran the trail once, came out and did a loop around the reservoir, then did another time through the trail before heading back down the hill the way we came up. Had a nice chat, and felt pretty good for the whole run, just a little out of shape at points. Talked to Brendan about getting consistent with training and doing some races in the spring. He seemed on board with it -- it'll be nice to train and race with someone who has a similar level of running ability. It'll keep me consistent and honest about it, and if I can stay injury free, maybe we'll get to running some good times.

Annoyingly enough, I COULD feel my left shin pretty clearly during the run. It wasn't painful, but it was there. I'll try to stretch out the calves a lot for the next several days before I get another run in maybe this weekend (perhaps the stress on the achilles and calves last week translated into tight shins). 2-3 days a week will be the prescription for a while. If I can't do that without getting some kind of injury, I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. Maybe I'll try wearing the flats again for one of these runs and see what the result is.
