Run: Easy Previous Next


4.1 mi


7:30 mi


Vibram Bikila

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Run with Uni, Mike Ramuta, and Chris.

A bit of a guess on distance of course. Ran 411, wood loop, full prairie loop and river trail, then 1200 plus the fields beyond. Ran the first part at Mike's pace (8:00 ish) then the second half at more like 7:00 ish. Shins felt kinda bad on this the whole time -- not pain, but I just felt the tightness. Iced this morning before the run, so they felt better than yesterday might have indicated. Will ice aggressively the rest of the day and will probably take an ibuprofen course to see if that helps combat the inflammation effectively in addition to the icing. Would love to say otherwise, but I think I'm going to have to take significant time off to get rid of this. Right as I'm getting back into steady fitness, too. Bollocks.
