Run: Easy Previous Next


7.2 mi


7:07 mi


COMMENTS: kept a very very constant pace throughout this run. went slightly faster 2nd and 3rd miles than the first, then settled back down into my normal pacing of around 715. felt very comfortable doing this. a little boring being on my own, but it was not bad as far as running on my own goes... quite good really. kept my form very solid throughout the run. tried varying foot landing position, etc. but my form seems to be flowing as it needs to be. Something I've noticed out of so many runners in illinois... the ones that are really great seem to have lovely form. thats one of the few things i like about starting up again... i get to tweak my form. my pacing is just a little better than over the winter when i was doing the similar buildup workouts. my first run that i've really felt solid on so far.
