Run: Easy Previous Next


1.8 mi


10:18 mi

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in KK


Running with Dad and brothers in the woods. Went out along the river trail and ran most the way back along the parallel bit in the prairie, where we met up with Ma and Buddy. Dad seems to be running much better than he was a while ago, and he's definitely in better shape, but I'm trying to be pretty emphatic and repetitive about the idea that if he truly wants to drop some pounds, he's going to need to go to more like 4-5x a week serious cardiovascular workout and decrease his caloric intake. I know Dad is smart enough to understand this on his own, of course, but I think if I simply press the point gently on a more than daily basis and encourage him to do cardio exercise when I am while I'm home, he'll get into the habit and, once the results come, he'll get hooked to that and keep going on his own. It's too bad he doesn't have a running or biking partner, because having the appointments at the gym are clearly doing him good in terms of consistency.

Wore the new shoes for this, along with the orthotics. Feet felt cramped from the orthotics especially, but the legs felt good despite the intense soreness from yesterday's morning workout.
