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4.1 mi


7:14 mi


Running in a very foggy night at Cobbs Hill. It was only in the 40s, but I ran in a t-shirt because I got too warm with the technical shirt over top.

Well if yesterday was a bit bog-like, today was REALLY running in a bog. The parts by the baseball fields were like constant splashing. I definitely had to focus to keep good form, especially considering it was too dark to see my foot landing very well. I'm trying to avoid the slapping-down that has been going on (noticed it on the treadmill at Naperville Running Company- basically coming down on the outside of my left foot and bringing the ball of the foot down pretty hard... bad!) and focusing on making a more even plant on the front/mid of my foot. My stride felt really good tonight despite being buffeted around by rough and soggy ground.

Ran up to up the reservoir via Monroe. Ran around the gate and got to the top of the hill, realizing that it was probably the eeriest scene I've ever encountered. The lights around the reservoir broke up the dense fog, and I ran a lap around the water hearing the leaves of the trees dripping water from the wetness of the fog. The ground next to the reservoir path was really great to run on-- flat, not soaking wet, but still fairly soft. Although I'd like to dramatize how spooked I was on the hill, I really just calmly and alertly ran around the water, thinking about how cool and eerie it was up there. Came back down and did another lap of the baseball fields area, closing the last 400m or so faster just to open up. Felt great! It's really close to a mile (.95) so I need to figure out how I can make it an exact mile loop. It seems like I'll be running a lot of loops coming up, so knowing the mileage will make it a bit easier.

Felt a little bit of shin and ankle after I came down from the hill. I don't think downhill running like that is very good for my legs.
