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5 km


6:04 mi


A fun little jaunt. I was pleased with how I ran, considering I haven't been able to run for 2 weeks, and had only done 9 or 10 days in a row of training prior to that. Crossed the starting line maybe 10 seconds after the start of the race, so I think my first mile was 6:15 or so. Then just cruised in the rest of the race, passing without getting passed, talked to a few people I happened to run up next to. Saw so many NV people. It was colder than I had expected, but the long sleeved shirt and bright red running pants did me just fine. Muscles, feet, and everything except the shin felt great, but even that only bothered me a little, which was surprising. Picked it up a bit for the last 800m or so, and crossed the line feeling a bit of nausea. Running a comfortable 5K at this pace when I'm really out of shape is cool and all, but I look forward to being uninjured and training consistently. As it is, some points after the race I could really feel the shin and ankle of my right leg. I need to ice and rest and check out some of the stretches for shin splints so I can rid myself of it and get back to training normally. It may take another 2-3 weeks, but I'm fine with that. When I start running again, I'll probably limit myself to 5-6 runs a week and no more than 20-25 mpw until I'm sure the shin is all better. Need to be more careful with mileage buildup.

Great to see Rossi, Saul, Morenus, Winek, Morenus, etc etc after the race. Look forward to seeing everyone again over the winter break.
