Run: Fartlek Previous Next


3.1 mi


6:28 mi


Vibram Bikila


Running at the dog park! Cloudy and wet day, and my shins were sore. Ran a bit with Buddy, would do a loop, then stop and spend some time with him again. Wouldn't stop for too long, so I got a decent amount of running in. At one part, Buddy took me on with some serious pace work and ended up finishing out the trail loop a few steps ahead of me at 5:30ish pace and then closed the distance to the shelter and gate area at closer to a sprint. Good to see him getting excited and up to speed. After that, I only got him to get up to a decent run a couple times going up the hill, when he has a huge advantage. Interestingly enough, I really enjoyed the hill portion of the run. Felt a bit more tired today for the first part, but I think I did the last mile-ish portion of the run around 6:00 pace, so that was good. Gotta keep icing aggressively!
