Run: Easy Previous Next


4.1 mi


6:52 mi


This run was a piece of cake, but it was interesting too. 41ºF and rainy in Rochester for the first day of October. I put on the old Goretex (thanks Dad!) and got my run done around 11pm. My legs felt surprising fresh considering yesterday's run. I really have to thank minimalism and forefoot striking for this sort of running; there's no reasonable explanation besides. The pace might have been faster if I wasn't running into very very stiff wind at points, whilst wearing a big jacket. Still listening to Wide Angles, still enjoying it. Can't wait to transcribe some of it!

Also, sore from yesterday's pull-ups. May wait until tomorrow to do AbRipperX and the pushups. Hoping to do maybe 7 or 8 tomorrow, depending on feel.
